





1、给你倾城的温柔,恋我半世的流离。Give you the gentleness of the city, love my half-life of exile.

于你半生的宠溺,尽我三生的颠簸。In your half-life spoil, do my threes of turbulence.

2、爱是两人一张棉被也是一人一瓶清水。Love is a quilt for two and a bottle of water for one.

爱是送一百支玫瑰也是让赤地开花蕊。Love is sending a hundred roses and letting the red flowers blossom.

3、因为一个承诺,这个男人让我守了一辈子。Because of a promise, this man has kept me for a lifetime.

因为一个承诺,这个女人让我爱了一辈子。Because of a promise, this woman has made me love for a lifetime.

4、流年中的记忆依旧在。Memories of fleeting years are still there.

盛夏时的曾经依旧美。It used to be beautiful in midsummer.

5、俏丽的侧影,虏获了某人的心。Beautiful silhouette captures someone's heart.

俊美的侧脸,盗取了某人的心。Beautiful side face steals someone's heart.

6、因为你,我的生活有了意义,有了你我变得计较。Because of you, my life is meaningful. With you, I become fussy.

因为你,我的生活有了意义,有了你我变得自私。Because of you, my life is meaningful. With you, I become selfish.

7、跟你说句话你别皱眉,我现在好想你好想抱紧你。Don't frown. I miss you so much now that I want to hold you tight.

跟你说句话你别皱眉,我现在好想你好想亲吻你。Don't frown. I miss you so much now that I want to kiss you.

8、想要给你所有,因为怕失去你。Want to give you everything, for fear of losing you.

想要给你一切,因为怕错过你。Want to give you everything, for fear of missing you.

9、每天每天,最早一个对你说早安。Every day, the earliest one says good morning to you.

每晚每晚,最后一个对你说晚安。Every night, every night, the last one says good night to you.

10、烟花绽放的美丽丶就像你在我身边一样。The beauty of fireworks blooming is just like you are beside me.

樱花漫舞的美丽丶就像我们快乐的时光。The beauty of cherry blossoms dancing is like our happy time.

11、我想给你讲一辈子的情话。I want to tell you a lifelong love story.

我想给你唱一辈子的情歌。I want to sing you a love song for life.

12、我骄傲,在我的一生中遇见过你。I am proud to have met you in my life.

我庆幸,在我的一生中没错过你。I'm glad that I missed you in my life.

13、我达不到你的那些预期和希望,你还会爱我吗?I can't live up to your expectations and hopes. Will you still love me?

我成不了你心爱的类型和模样,你还会爱我吗?I can't do what you love. Will you still love me?

14、你的就是我的,我的还是我的。Yours is mine, mine is mine.

我的就是你的,你的还是你的。Mine is yours, yours is yours.

15、伤过痛过姑娘我从未想过放弃。I never thought of giving up after hurting a girl.

输过败过少年我从未想过离开。I never thought of leaving after losing a teenager.

16、和你在一起,很好。It's good to be with you.

与你在一起,真好。It's good to be with you.

17、别说什么貌美如花,只要是她,不堪入目一样入我眼。Don't say anything beautiful, such as flowers, as long as it is her, unsightly into my eyes.

别说什么皇家子弟,只要是他,落魄才子一样入我心。Don't say anything about royal children, as long as he is down, like a gifted son into my heart.

18、从来不会停止爱你。Never stop loving you.

绝对不会停止想你。Never stop thinking about you.

19、谁又曾知道我在深夜偷偷地流泪。Who ever knew I was crying in the middle of the night?

谁又曾知道我笑着时背后的坚强。Who ever knew the strength behind my laughter?

20、可不可以在你流浪时候带着我一起。Can you take me with you when you are wandering?

可不可以在我哭泣时候拥抱在一起。Can you hug me when I cry?

21、在人潮汹涌的荒芜之地,我只怀念迩。I only miss you in the barren land full of people.

在路遥马亡的漫长时光,我只想念迩。In the long time of death, I only miss you.

22、你的眼睛,比星星还闪亮。Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.

你的微笑,比阳光都温暖。Your smile is warmer than the sunshine.

23、他好像很好又好像很糟,可是我只拥他一人。He seems good and bad, but I only support him.

她也不错脾气有些倔,但是我只想伴她一人。She's not bad-tempered, she's a little stubborn, but I just want to be with her.

24、张张给了慌慌一场美好的初恋,一场童话般的婚礼。Zhang Zhang gave panic a beautiful first love, a fairy-tale wedding.

慌慌为了张张披上了一身婚纱,一场最美好的回忆。Panic in order to put on a wedding dress Zhang Zhang, a most beautiful memory.

25、我知道你会说,世界有我变不同。I know you'll say that the world is different for me.

你知道我会说,你是最美的拥有。You know I would say, you are the most beautiful possession.

26、没有人能比我还爱你。No one can love you more than I do.

不会有人比我更爱你。No one loves you more than I do.

27、牵手共赴半世癫狂。Hand in hand for half a lifetime of madness.

相拥体会无憾人生。Embrace and experience life without regret.

28<励志哥 www.lizhige.vip>、待我长发及腰,少年娶我可好?When I have long hair and waist, how can a teenager marry me?

等我心系一人,姑娘嫁我如何?How about a girl marrying me when I'm alone?

29、我的心很小,只装的下那个唯一的你。My heart is very small, only loaded with the only you.

我的心很大,里面装的满满的都是你。My heart is very big. It's full of you.

30、想做你,枕边书,怀中猫,意中人。Want to be you, pillow book, cat in your arms, lover in your heart.

想做你,杯中茶,夜里梦,摆渡人。Want to be you, cup of tea, night dream, ferry man.


1、最后只剩下星空,像不变回忆陪着我。Finally, only the stars, like constant memories accompany me.

至少回忆会永久,像不变星空陪着我。At least memories will last forever, like unchanged stars accompanying me.

2、一生所有,孤独与酒,梦与泡沫。All life, loneliness and wine, dreams and bubbles.

一生所求,爱与自由,你与温柔。All one's life, love and freedom, you and gentleness.

3、我们终于学会了道别,却不再说情话,只说谎。We finally learned to say goodbye, but we stopped telling love stories and just lied.

我们终于学会了释怀,却不再谈真情,只喝酒。We finally learned to let go, but we stopped talking about the truth and only drank.

4、如果你不认识我,也许你现在已经得到了幸福。If you don't know me, maybe you've got happiness now.

如果你不认识我,也许你现在会过的无忧许多。If you don't know me, maybe you will have a lot of carefree life now.

5、待你西装在身,我便鲜花在手!When you suit up, I will have flowers in hand!

待你婚纱落地,我定戒指在手!When your wedding dress falls to the ground, I will fix the ring in my hand!

6、距离,不会让故事结局。Distance does not end the story.

深爱,你是我第一主演。Deep love, you are my first star.

7、爱我就来找我。Love me and come to me.

爱我就别离开。Love me, don't leave.

8、对你一眼动心,怎么做朋友。How to be a friend if you have a good eye for you?

对你一件倾心,不能做朋友。You can't be a friend if you are devoted to you.

9、完美等待,此意绵绵无期,我的爱给你。Perfect waiting, this meaning is endless, my love for you.

完美期待,此情深深几许,我要你的爱。Perfect expectation, deep feeling, I want your love.

10、最开心的笑是和你一起。The happiest laugh is to be with you.

最快乐的事是和你一起。The happiest thing is to be with you.

11、时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁。In the track of time, we are just a lonely train.

淡漠的海水中我们只是一群失落的雨点。In the indifferent sea, we are just a group of lost raindrops.

12、我不是会温柔的人,却为你做尽温柔事。I am not a gentle person, but I do all the gentle things for you.

我不是有耐心的人,却对你用尽了耐心。I am not a patient person, but I have exhausted my patience with you.

13、也许,对我而言,你给我的经历,仅仅是一个回忆。Maybe, for me, the experience you gave me is just a memory.

也许,对我而言,我曾经所做的一切,都是一个错。Perhaps, for me, everything I have done is a mistake.

14、我是你的曾经,带着你的帅气。I am your past, with your handsome.

你是我的过去,带着你的美丽。You are my past, with your beauty.

15、醉笑陪君执剑,一签,斩断纷繁琐。Drunk laughter accompanies the king to hold swords, a sign, cut off the complexity.

奈何云烟过往,一曲,千杯酒醉人。Nevertheless, the past, a song, a thousand drunken cups.

16、我爱薄荷淡宁清新苦涩心。I love the fresh bitterness of mint.

我爱痴心柠檬酸味甜涩心。I love the sweet and sour taste of citric acid.

17、何时江南在凝愁,徘徊在宁夏。When Jiangnan is worried and lingering.

待到樱花烂漫时,染指沾红颜。When the cherry blossoms bloom, they touch their faces.

18、我说,你是我心中的太阳。I said, you are the sun in my heart.

你说,我是你永远的明珠。You say, I am your eternal pearl.

19、每个成功男人的背后,必定有一个不要求回报的女人。Behind every successful man, there must be a woman who does not ask for reward.

每个任性的女人背后,必定有一个百般娇宠她的男人。Behind every wayward woman, there must be a man who spoils her in every way.

20、幸我有生之年识你豆蔻年华。I am lucky to know you in my lifetime.

笑我今生之世离你海角天涯。Laugh my life away from you.

21、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most cared about people.

爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最想念的你。Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most missed you.

22、你嘴角的微笑是我最爱的模样。Your smile on the corner of your mouth is my favorite look.

你眼角的泪光是我最疼的表情。The tears in your eyes are my most painful expression.

23、你可不可以牵着我的手,就当是我的请求。Can you hold my hand as if it were my request?

你可不可以望着我的眼,就当是我的奢望。Can you look into my eyes as if it were my luxury?

24、不求荣华富贵,但求与你温馨到老。Do not seek glory and wealth, but to warm with you to the old.

不求轰轰烈烈,但求一人视我如宝。I do not want to be vigour and vitality, but ask a person to regard me as a treasure.

25、你说你娶我爱我宠我疼我依着我不离开我。You say you marry me, love me, spoil me, love me, depend on me and don't leave me.

我说我娶你爱你宠你疼你依着你不离开你。I said I married you, loved you, spoiled you, loved you, and depended on you not to leave you.

26、我的男人没让他滚时,谁都别碰!Don't touch anyone when my man doesn't let him go!

我的女人没让她走时,谁都别摸!Don't touch anyone when my woman doesn't let her go!

27、爱情不能天长地久,只能朝生暮死。Love can not last forever.

青春不会天长地久,只会转瞬即逝。Youth will not last forever, it will only be fleeting.

28、我用浮生暖一壶你爱的香茗,只待伊来。I use floating to warm a pot of your favorite tea, just for Yilai.

我用余生热一盏你喜的烈酒,只盼君归。I use the rest of my life to warm up a strong wine you like, just hope you return.

29、我要稳稳的幸福,能抵挡末日的残酷。I want steady happiness, can withstand the cruelty of the end.

我要稳稳的幸福,能抵挡失落的痛楚。I want steady happiness, can withstand the pain of loss.

30、我的灵魂一直都只定格在你的身上。My soul has always been fixed on you.

我的心脏一直都只停留在你的心上。My heart has always stayed in your heart.


第一句:吵不赢你,因为我不想失去你。 || 吵赢了你,我也不会失去你。

第二句:永远都陪伴在你身边,这一生只属于两个人。 || 永远都相伴在你身边,这一世只属于两颗心。

第三句:这一生我想被你好好珍藏。 || 这一世都想将你好好珍藏。

第四句:你喜欢的是细水长流煮红豆。 || 我想要的是声色犬马走天涯。

第五句:就像你幻想的那样,时光不老。 || 就像你承诺的那样,我们不散。

第六句:我的心很小,只能容纳的了你一个人而已! || 你的心很小,只能容纳的了我一个人而已!

第七句:寡人不死尔等终究是臣。 || 本宫不死尔等终究是妾。

第八句:英雄联盟拆散多少情侣。 || 炫舞飞车成就多少网恋。

第九句:我的男人你碰不起。 || 我的女人你动不起。

第十句:我爱着你,从天亮到天黑。 || 我爱着你,从春夏到秋冬。

第十一句:浩瀚天空我是爱上海鱼的情燕。 || 蔚蓝深海我是恋上飞鸟的痴鱼。

第十二句:我们相亲相爱到白头,你的幸福就是我的幸福。 || 我们不离不弃到白头,你的快乐就是我的快乐。

第十三句:徘徊在黑夜黯然神伤。 || 徘徊在黑夜独自哭泣。

第十四句:为了爱你,说尽一切甜言和蜜语。 || 为了爱你,幻想你的爱温暖自己。

第十五句:亲爱的,奈何桥丶我陪你走。 || 亲爱的,孟婆汤丶我陪你喝。

第十六句:我的心很大,容下千万人,却不及你。 || 我的心很小,只容你一人,此生无憾。

第十七句:我爱你,你爱我,在一起,没问题。 || 我爱你,你爱我,到白头,我愿意。

第十八句:谢谢你给的爱,闪耀我单薄的生命。 || 谢谢你给的爱,照耀我孤单的内心。

第十九句:我只求,执一人手,偕老不相弃。 || 我只愿,得一人心,白首不相离。

第二十句:我不贪婪尽管多么多么想要相濡以沫。 || 我不贪婪仅管那么那么想要海枯石烂。

第二十一句:他帅吧!温柔吧!专一吧!你嫉妒吧!想要吧!对不起!他是我的! || 她美吧!可爱吧!温柔吧!你羡慕吧!想要吧!对不起!她是我的!

第二十二句:如果你伤了,就请回来,我一直都在。 || 如果你累了,就请转身,我还未离开。

第二十三句:我什么都不多,多的只是一颗爱你的心。 || 我什么都不缺,缺的只是你对我的关心。

第二十四句:我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人。 || 你是我最爱的不舍,却不是所谓的路过。

第二十五句:温柔的背后,有着一段温暖的记忆。 || 花心的背后,有着一段痛心的回忆。

第二十六句:我是你的爱人,是一辈子都会陪着你的人。 || 我是你的爱人,是一辈子都会守护你的人。

第二十七句:多幸运爱你这件事情,成为我今生最对的决定。 || 多幸运在最美的年纪,遇见你没有遗憾和可惜。

第二十八句:一世相守,白首相依不离不弃。 || 一生相伴,白首相偎不弃不离。

第二十九句:灰色天空,有你的陪伴我会很幸福。 || 痴情岁月,有你的相伴我会很甜蜜。

第三十句:他是我心脏深处的恋人。 || 她是我灵魂深处的爱人。

第三十一句:今生唯一的吝啬,就是你是我的。 || 今生唯一的慷慨,就是我是你的。

第三十二句:你若三妻四妾我让你四分五裂。 || 你若移情别恋我让你身心决裂。

第三十三句:俄是个疯子疯子疯子,只爱你的疯子。 || 伱是个傻子傻子傻子,傻的却好懂事。

第三十四句:我的男人,不需要你来指指点点。 || 我的女人,不需要你来说三道

第三十五句:排位和你我都想上。 || 王者和你我都想要。

第三十六句:你是一杯毒酒,早已渗入骨髓。 || 你是一种毒药,早已要我性命。

第三十七句:牵着你的左手丶请允许我爱你一生。 || 拉着你的右手丶请允许我爱你一世。

第三十八句:你是谁,怎么偷走了我的心。 || 我是谁,怎么拥有两颗心。

第三十九句:姐不是蒙娜丽莎,没必要对谁都微笑! || 哥不是巴黎欧莱雅,你不值得拥有!

第四十句:最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 || 最好不相知,如此便可不相思。


第四十二句:你给我的幸福,我来负责给予我给你的情。 || 你给我的幸福,我来负责享受你给我的爱。

第四十三句:跟你在一起,我是糊涂的。 || 跟你在一起,我是幸福的。

第四十四句:是我的天真,把谎言当做承诺。 || 是我的愚钝,把假意当做真情。

第四十五句:她是个小公主,我超爱。 || 他是个大王子,我超爱。

第四十六句:男人都是大猪蹄子! || 女人都是泡椒凤爪!

第四十七句:你的笑,是治愈我内心的良药。 || 你的笑,是温暖人心的阳光。

第四十八句:我爱的女孩,她有最最灿烂的笑容。 || 我爱的男孩,他有最最温暖的笑容。

第四十九句:你说世慌情不慌可你说了慌。 || 你说酒烈情不烈可你饮了酒。

第五十句:你若在我心上,情敌又何妨。 || 你若在我身旁,负了天下,又怎样。

第五十一句:我可以不帅,但是我必须会给你真爱。 || 我可以没钱,但是我必须会给你安全。

真心爱一个人个性签名只爱一个人的个性签名热恋情侣个性唯美情感签名 女孩子想要的是偏爱一人一个情侣双人情感个性签名 最新浪漫的幸福情侣签名情侣之间可爱的签名简短一左一右 跟你在一起的时光都很耀眼2020情人节幸福情侣签名一对 浪漫幸福的情侣签名大全情侣个性签名暖心幸福 2020最新情侣个性签名大全2019光棍节秀恩爱的个性签名 双十一情侣晒幸福签名一男一女光棍节幸福情侣签名大全 2019双11虐狗的情侣个性签名一对情侣个性签名文艺内涵 2020流行的qq情侣签名大全

